Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Mother I Want to Be

        Days like this I find myself sitting on the sofa, thinking. Two warm babies nestled closely to my belly. I hear their little breaths and feel the warmth from it. They breathe at the same pace, one after another. They look so peaceful and I don't want to move an inch. I enjoy being in their company and watching them sleep. Although, I have so many things I should be doing..
The list goes on and on.. we are all too familiar with this. Still, I sit. In the quiet. This moment is only few and far between so I may as well take advantage of it, right? 

        I look into their faces, they are content. They feel comforted knowing that I am right there and they feel the warmth of my skin. So much alike, yet so very different, even at this young age. I think about how their different personalities are blooming and how what I am doing today will forever affect them in the future. I think about taking them places and teaching them new things. I think about them having the same relationship with their dad as I had with mine. I just think about being there for them whenever, where ever and how ever I can. 

        I look forward to watching them grow and become who they are meant to be. I want to be an encourager, a mentor, a teacher, and good listener so they feel like they can come to me just to talk. I want to be a mother who is compassionate, empathetic, energetic and motivated. I want to be an example for our girls of a godly, nurturing wife because one day the mother and wife that I am will be evident in their lives as a mother and wife. Now is a better time than ever for me to pour into our children these qualities. They learn so much by example.

        Today, as I sit here in the quiet, without the normal chaos, I am making a commitment to my husband and our kids. A commitment to be the best wife and mother that I can possibly be. I will fail sometimes, but there is always tomorrow. 

       Philippines 4:13 'I can do ALL things                     through Christ who strengthens me.' 

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