Friday, October 3, 2014

To my son

        The time has flown and here we are.. you are two. Your life brightens mine each and every day. Your smile fills my heart, and others, with great joy. Your love for life is such an inspiration to my own life.

       I know you do not realize, and will not for a long while, but time goes ever so quickly. I want you to take note of these things (in no specific order):

1. Continue being  joyful, happy and excited each day.

        You have such a happy way of doing things. You smile constantly. You are excited over things as small as having the opportunity to go outside, help cook, and you even find excitement in putting your dirty clothes in the hamper. I believe that God sent you to us to show me that I need to slow down and soak in all the joys in life. I pray that the Lord will keep reminding me in these ways. #FindingJoyinTheJourney

2. Always stand up for what you believe in.

        Times get rough and it will not always be easy, but keep faith. God is always there for you, always, even when you think you failed. He will lift your spirits and give you the courage you need to get through. Read His word and seek guidance from it, you will go far. I will be praying that God leads you in the right direction and that He guides me in raising a polite young gentleman that strives to be more like Jesus with each passing day.

3. You can do anything you put your mind to.

        If you want to do something in life, apply yourself, have determination and motivation. Your Mimi taught me a good motto... 'The can't man never could.' You can, and you will, if you put your mind to it. For this, I will pray that you keep a positive outlook and that God will give you the confidence you need to accomplish great things and meet your life goals. Also, that I will be there to support you in whatever you may choose to do.

4. Be a good example for others.

        Always say please and thank you, yes ma'am, no ma'am, yes sir, no sir, and you're welcome. Forgive others when forgiveness is necessary. Admit when you're wrong and apologize when it is needed. Hold doors open for those walking close behind, even if you do not know them. Always speak when spoken to and answer when a question is asked. Go out of your way to talk to the elderly, hug your friends when they need it and listen when they need to talk. I will pray that God will give you guidance in these things and that God will help me be more of an example for you in these ways.

5. Be confident and humble.

        Know that you can do whatever you set your mind to but be modest and appreciative when others give you praise. I pray that you will have a soft heart and a strong mind.

1 Peter 5:5 (NIV)

5 In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because,

“God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”

Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for being obedient (most times). Thank you for showing your big imagination. Thank you for being goofy, hyper, and particular.  For helping me learn to stop and 'smell the flowers' (even if we were at the beach and there were no flowers in sight.. I guess those weeds count.). I treasure you. I treasure your smile and your laugh, everything about you. And today, you are turning 2, I am so thankful for you and who you are. I cannot wait to see where God takes you from here! 

        Happy birthday, son! Your Dad and I are so proud of you! :-)

Junior - Summer 2013 in Foley, AL

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Mother I Want to Be

        Days like this I find myself sitting on the sofa, thinking. Two warm babies nestled closely to my belly. I hear their little breaths and feel the warmth from it. They breathe at the same pace, one after another. They look so peaceful and I don't want to move an inch. I enjoy being in their company and watching them sleep. Although, I have so many things I should be doing..
The list goes on and on.. we are all too familiar with this. Still, I sit. In the quiet. This moment is only few and far between so I may as well take advantage of it, right? 

        I look into their faces, they are content. They feel comforted knowing that I am right there and they feel the warmth of my skin. So much alike, yet so very different, even at this young age. I think about how their different personalities are blooming and how what I am doing today will forever affect them in the future. I think about taking them places and teaching them new things. I think about them having the same relationship with their dad as I had with mine. I just think about being there for them whenever, where ever and how ever I can. 

        I look forward to watching them grow and become who they are meant to be. I want to be an encourager, a mentor, a teacher, and good listener so they feel like they can come to me just to talk. I want to be a mother who is compassionate, empathetic, energetic and motivated. I want to be an example for our girls of a godly, nurturing wife because one day the mother and wife that I am will be evident in their lives as a mother and wife. Now is a better time than ever for me to pour into our children these qualities. They learn so much by example.

        Today, as I sit here in the quiet, without the normal chaos, I am making a commitment to my husband and our kids. A commitment to be the best wife and mother that I can possibly be. I will fail sometimes, but there is always tomorrow. 

       Philippines 4:13 'I can do ALL things                     through Christ who strengthens me.'