Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Where it all began

We were married on April 1, 2011. Yes, that is April Fool's Day and we did pick this day intentionally.  It was such a beautiful day with a slight wind and the sun was perfect! We met at the church to have pictures taken before the wedding began. He wore a black suit with tiny white pinstripes and I wore a very light pink strapless dress (found this dress for $25.. what a deal!) We had many pictures taken and before we knew it, it was nearly time for the ceremony to begin. We headed back to the church to prepare. Since it was April Fool's Day I had a little something planned.. A different dress! I walked down the Isle with a creamy white strapless dress that was full of ruffles from the waste down. He was completely surprised by this! (Since he knows me so well I believe that he had an idea I would be up to something.) After the ceremony, we had our reception at Soda Pop Junction, in Lynnville, TN, complete with an old fashion float toast! Our wedding and reception was casual compared to most but, for me, it was perfect and I enjoyed every minute!

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