Thursday, November 6, 2014

Daily Schedule

Everyone has some type of schedule. Scheduled Doctor appointments, scheduled meetings, scheduled dinner time, breakfast and so on... but what about a daily schedule? A written out plan to follow with your kids for daily activities. This has worked so well in our family, first with our oldest and now with all 3 kids, it is a must!

Here's why I think kids benefit from having a daily schedule:

1.) They know what's next.
        Junior knows that when he gets up we head to the kitchen to cook (if I am behind that morning he will constantly remind me.. 'Mama, Eat! I help cook.') He also knows after dinner he will play, get ready for bed, say his prayers and go to bed; most times he tells me 'Mama, Night night.' This definitely makes things so much easier for me and limits the amount of tantrums.

2.) It keeps them entertained.

        Since we are constantly going to the next thing on our schedule, it helps to keep their little minds working and they don't get bored as easily. I have noticed less tantrums when we follow the schedule more closely than when we divert from it. However, I do think that it is good to go off schedule some days to keep the children flexible and help them learn how to cope with changes.

3.) It brings excitement.

        Junior most always gets excited when we move on to the next thing. We will go from talking about ABC's to singing and dancing, then we will talk about numbers and say some poems. His face will just light up. It's such a great experience for me and him both and that little smile definitely keeps the stress level down!

Does a schedule work for your family?

Do you have any tips for other mothers who are trying to find a schedule that works for them?